Magnesium** contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles. Undenatured type II collagen is the main natural component of articular cartilage. Vitamin C* contributes to the normal production of collagen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of cartilage and bones. Vitamin C and vitamin B6 contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin D helps maintain bone health and normal muscle function.
Product description in register of Food and Veterinary Serviceflex
Food supplement. Do not use food supplement as the substitute of balanced and valuable nutrition.
Ingredients and doses
Daily recommended dose
(1 capsule)
(2 capsules)
(from magnesium salts – chelate, oxide, citrate)
150 mg (40% NRV*)
300 mg (80% NRV*)
Vitamin C
30 mg (37.5% NRV*)
60 mg (75% NRV*)
Undenatured type II collagen
19.5 mg
39 mg
Vitamin B6
5 mg (357% NRV*)
10 mg (714% NRV*)
Vitamin D3
50 µg (1000% NRV*, 2000 SV**)
100 µg (2000% NRV*, 4000 SV**)
*NRV – nutrient reference value/ **IU – international units
Adults shall take orally 1-2 capsules per day. The duration of use is 3 months, the course can be repeated.
Caution: hypersensitivity (allergy) to any of the product’s ingredients; it is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, children under 18 years of age; do not use food supplement as a substitute for a full and balanced diet; do not exceed the recommended daily dose; store out of sight and reach of children!
Store at room temperature in the original packaging, protect from direct sunlight.
Frequently asked questions
What causes joint pain?
Joint pain is caused by inflammation in the joints, wear and tear of the joint or the effects of trauma.
Are old people the only ones who have joint pain?
Joint pain is a common symptom of people of all ages, it is affected by several factors – person’s height, weight, eating habits, vitamin D level. Each age group is has specific joint problems – if in seniors pain is caused by the natural ageing process, then in young people joint problems occur due to overload and various injuries.
What is undenatured type II collagen?
It is a high-quality and pure collagen that is almost identical in structure to our natural joint collagen. Unprocessed type II collagen, due to its unchanged structure, works directly on the target, and the body does not need to process it further.
What is the effect of Magneflex ingredients?
Magneflex ingredients impact the ENTIRE joint.
Undenatured type II collagen is the main component of cartilage and prevents our own collagen from diminishing, while vitamin C promotes the production of our natural collagen, which is necessary for bone and cartilage function.
The joint needs strong bones that supply the cartilage with nutrients, so it contains vitamin D to help maintain bone health.
Strong joints are also unimaginable without muscles that hold the joint in place and move it, so the composition contains magnesium + vitamin B6, which ensures normal muscle function, helps the muscle relax, relaxes it after loads and helps to recover faster.
Who should take Magneflex?
Magneflex is suitable for all adults who care about joint health, regardless of age.
Diana Stolere (verified owner) –
Patika cena, par medikamentu ietekmi varēšu spriest vēlāk!
Inese Gaiduka (verified owner) –
Signe (verified owner) –
Ella (verified owner) –
Evita Nummure (verified owner) –
Ināra Lazdiņa (verified owner) –
Armands (verified owner) –
Iegādes process ērts un ātrs! Par produktu agri kko komentēt!
Ināra (verified owner) –
Mēnesi jau lietoju un jūtu uzlabojumu ceļos
AIJA IVANOVA (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Manuprāt, lielisks produkts. Lietoju to kopā ar Piascledine. Pēc sajūtām skrimšļi kļuvuši mīkstāki, elastīgāki.
Daina Eglīte (verified owner) –
mazina sāpes locītavās
Igors Kapitonovs (verified owner) –
Anatolijs Z. (verified owner) –
Dzintra Līdaka (verified owner) –
Ļoti ātri
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Esmu lietošanas sākumposmā – par kopējo iedarbību grūti spriest. Patīk, ka kapsulas labi panesu. No Magne B6 un citiem magnija preparātiem sāpēja vēders + nelaba dūša.
Eizens Vegers (verified owner) –
Parsla L. (verified owner) –
Lāsma (verified owner) –
Sarmīte (verified owner) –
Jana (verified owner) –
Karmena Jakovela (verified owner) –
Karlis J. (verified owner) –
Par šiem varēšu kautko pateikt pēc paris mēnešiem…
Janis Silins (verified owner) –
tieši to vēlējos un ātra piegāde
Zaiga Barone (verified owner) –
Irina Pavìtola (verified owner) –
Silvija Šēnberga (verified owner) –
Paldies, šī jau otrā porcija.
Sandra Zujeva (verified owner) –
Līga Krieva (verified owner) –
Ausma Gontare (verified owner) –
Paldies! Esmu apmierināta ar ātro piegādi,lietoju pirmo reizi šo uztura bagātinātāju,tādēļ par iedarbību grūti spriest.Lai Jūsu komandai veicas!