¹ Beneficial effect is obtained by consuming 1 mg of melatonin close to bedtime.
² Beneficial effect obtained with a minimum intake of 0,5 mg to be taken close to bedtime on the first day of travel and on the following few days after arrival at the destination.
Product description in register of Food and Veterinary Service
Food supplement. Do not use food supplement as the substitute of balanced and valuable nutrition.
Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata) herb liquid extract 1:5 , melatonin, natural aromatizators, steviol glycosides (sweeteners), glycerin (humectant), deoinized water, ethanol, alc. 12% vol.
Usage: remove the spray cup. Spray the liquid 1 time under the tongue per day 20 minutes before bedtime. Shake well before use!
30 ml of product contains 210 recommended daily doses;
Warnings: high sensitivity (allergy) towards some of the product ingredients; during pregnancy and lactation – after consultation with a physician or pharmacist; do not use food supplement as the substitute of balanced and valuable nutrition; might include slight precipitate; recommended from age of 18; do not exceed recommended daily dosage; keep out of reach and sight of children!
Store at room temperature, in dark place, in well closed original packaging.
Frequently asked questions
What is the effect of Good Sleep Spray?
It contains melatonin that helps to reduce the time required to fall asleep and relieves from the disruption of the circadian rhythm. Passion flower extract has a sedative effect, it helps maintain mental relaxation and healthy sleep.
What are the active ingredients of Good Sleep Spray?
Melatonin and liquid extract of passionflower leaves.
What is melatonin?
Melatonin is a natural sleep hormone that is released in our body during the dark hours of the day and night. It provides and regulates a person’s biological daily rhythm.
What is the correct use of Good Sleep Spray?
Please use 1 dose of Good Sleep Spray once a day, 20 minutes before bedtime.
How the new Good Sleep Spray formula differs from the previous one?
Melatonin is completely dissolved in the new Good Sleep Spray formula, providing the additional 10 doses for the same price.
Should the new Good Sleep Spray be shaken before use?
Since melatonin is completely dissolved, it does not need to be shaken before use.
If 1 puff does not help, can the dose be increased?
Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist before increasing the dose.
From what age Good Sleep Spray can be used?
Good Sleep Spray is recommended from the age of 18. The younger people should consult doctor or pharmacist before taking it.
Why choose to use melatonin under the tongue in spray form?
Products that need to be used under the tongue are absorbed much faster and provide a much faster effect, as well as are easy to use as you do not have to drink water after the use.
How much times Good Sleep Spray can be used?
The new Good Sleep Spray is designed for 210 applications or 7 months.
What is the cost per night?
The cost for 1 sleepy night is about 4-euro cents, which depends on the selling price at the pharmacy.
What are the signs of insomnia?
The main signs of insomnia are difficulty of falling asleep, short waking up at night and waking up too early in the morning.
What makes it difficult to fall asleep?
The reasons can be various, but the most common causes are daily stress and melatonin deficiency.
How to store Good Sleep Spray correctly?
Please store Good Sleep Spray at room temperature up to + 25 ° C, in a dry place, in a tightly closed package. Avoid direct sunlight.
Elita Talapina (verified owner) –
Laila –
Ļoti labs produkts,ātri iedarbīgs,loti uzlabojusies miega kvalitāte,diemžēl vilšanos sagādājis dozators,tas pēc dažu nedēļu lietošanas pārstāja darboties,produkts vairs nav normāli lietojams,kā ir paredzēts,šis tomēr ir liels trūkums!Lūdzu risināt šo problēmu, jo mans gadījums nav vienīgais,diemžēl!
Aigars (verified owner) –
Ilze Martinsone (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
I.L. L (verified owner) –
Labdien. Es jau vairākus gadus lietoju jūsu produktu Good Sleep Spray, 30ml. Tas man loti patīk. Pagājušajā vasarā iegādājos kārtējo reizi , bet pec pāris lietošanas reizēm pudelītes izsmidzinātājs pārstāja strādāt . Es padomāju , ka varbūt man nepaveicās un ir brāķis trāpījies, bet kad iegādājos jaunu divas nedēļas atpakaļ , ar jaunu arī ir tas pats. Mana vīramāte un draudzene arī lieto šo produktu un atzinās, ka viņam arī notika tas pats ar pudelīti. Preparāts nav lietojams. Ļoti žēl . Ludzu pievērst uzmanību pudelītes kvalitātei. Negribas atteikties no šī produkta, jo tiešām tas ir labs. Tagad lai lietot to nācās meklēt pipetku. Ludzu novērst šo problēmu turpmāk.
Maija R. (verified owner) –
Sarmīte (verified owner) –
Produkts labs,taču iepakojums brāķis-nestrādāja dozators.
GUNITA (verified owner) –
Igors Gordejevs (verified owner) –
gunta bratka (verified owner) –
Daina Briede (verified owner) –
Daina Kardaša (verified owner) –
Ilze (verified owner) –
Pats līdzeklis šķiet labs un palīdz iemigt, bet esmu vīlusies iepakojumā, izsmidzināmais salūza jau pēc otrās lietošanas reizes.. 🙁 Tagad neesmu droša, kāda būs deva, ja pārliešu kādā citā pudelītē ar izsmidzinātāju..
Jolanta Jauga (verified owner) –
Evija (verified owner) –
Aivars Kakitis (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Maija Fīrmane (verified owner) –
Vizma Boļšakova (verified owner) –
Ineta Krjučkova (verified owner) –
Daiga R. (verified owner) –
Sana Dvinska (verified owner) –
Sarmīte –
Farmaceite ieteica šo produktu miega uzlabošanai. Jau ilgu laiku mokos ar bezmiegu, ir grūtības aizmigt. Man palīdz ātrāk aizmigt, tieši pūšamais zem mēlēs dod ātrāku efektu. Pietiks ļoti ilgam laikam.
Toms –
Beidzot varu normāli aizmigt. Lietoju Good Sleep spray vakaros, kad nevaru aizmigt. Bezmiegs ļoti ietekmē mani, jo ikdienā daudz strādāju pie datora un vajag koncentrēties, bet no rīta nevarēju izlīst no gultas. Izlasīju , ka miega traucējumiem palīdz melatonīns. Pūšamā forma ērti lietot un 5min laikā jau aizmiegu. Ieteicu kolēģim, tagad abi esam izgulējušies.
Андрис (store manager) –
Мелатонин принимаю уже годами, чтобы можно было нормально уснуть. Наконец-то он в удобной форме спрея!
Иева (store manager) –
Меня часто мучила бессонница, можно даже сказать, что бессонница была почти каждую ночь, я сначала не верила, что один раз брызнув под язык можно вернуть сон на всю ночь. Я в восторге, спасибо!
Andris –
Melatonīnu lietoju jau gadiem, lai varu normāli iemigt. Beidzot ērtā spreja formā!
Ieva –
Man bieži bija bezmiegs, varētu teikt, ka bezmiegs mani skāra gandrīz katru nakti, sākumā neticēju, ka viens pūtiens zem mēles var atgriezt miegu uz visu nakti. Esmu sajūsmā, paldies!