Category: Digestive system health

  • Good Fiber svara samazināšanai

    Good Fiber, 150 g

    Original price was: €14.00.Current price is: €10.50.
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  • Spasmoil pret vēdera uzpūšanos

    Spasmoil, 15 capsules

    Original price was: €6.26.Current price is: €4.69.
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  • Good Fiber svara samazināšanai

    2x Good Fiber, 150 g

    Original price was: €28.00.Current price is: €18.20.
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  • Spasmoil pret vēdera uzpūšanos

    3x Spasmoil, 15 capsules

    Original price was: €18.78.Current price is: €12.21.
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Healthy gut microbiota

The health of the digestive system is critical to overall health. It has been established that the microflora present in the digestive tract plays a vital role in immunity. The more efficient our intestine functions, the lower our chances of infection.


Signs that indicate indicate gut microbiota disorders:

  • abdominal discomfort;
  • flatulence, spasms;
  • appetite abnormalities (nausea, weight gain);
  • increased illness are all symptoms of intestinal microflora disorders.

Nutritional supplements to help restore intestinal microbiota

The restoration of the intestinal microbiome is heavily influenced by lifestyle and dietary factors. In case of any deficiencies, nutritional supplements can be used to improve the composition and health of intestinal microbiome:

When choosing nutritional supplements for weight loss, you should pay attention to the fact that they contain glucomannan or konjacmannan, inulin, vitamin C, mint leaf and fennel seed oils.

  • Prebiotics. A form of fibre that feeds bacteria in the microbiota and hence encourages their replication.
  • Probiotics or beneficial bacteria. In cases when the natural microflora is disrupted as a result of pharmaceutical therapy or an unbalanced daily diet, probiotics help to restore it.
  • Lactobacilli. They include a variety of fermented and acidified milk products. These bacteria improve the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract and compete with harmful bacteria, restoring normal intestinal function.

Nutrition for gut health

Alternative options, such as nutritional supplements, are available in addition to medications for aiding digestion. It is more crucial to consider what we consume on a daily basis in order to naturally restore the gut microbiota.

One of the pillars of human health is a properly functioning digestive system. In cases when the function is disrupted, patient can experience acid-refulx, gas, causing discomfort and possibly leading to disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

  • It is critical to consume fiber-rich meals. Fiber stimulates the absorption of other nutrients in the bloodstream and supports stomach function – it promotes the production of digestive juices, benefits the intestinal bacteria, improves metabolism, and lowers the quantity of low-density lipids or “bad cholesterol” in the body.
  • Menu variety is essential. Your daily meal should be visually appealing, both literally and metaphorically. Give preference to natural, unprocessed food products at all times.
  • Ierobežot glutēnu. Graudaugi satur glutēnu, kas ir grūti sagremojams, tāpēc, ja nepieciešams sakārtot zarnu mikrofloru, labāk glutēna daudzumu ēdienkartē samazināt. Nevajag pārspīlēt ar piena lietošanu no lielveikalu plauktiem. Labāk izvēlēties bioloģisku pienu vai jogurtu, jo pieauguša cilvēka organisms slikti šķeļ piena proteīnus.
  • Prebiotics. Consume carrots, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and other high-fiber foods that nourish the bacteria in the digestive tract on a regular basis.
  • Fermented foods. Pickled cucumbers and cabbage are high in good probiotic bacteria and are widely available in Latvia.

If your digestive difficulties persist, you should see your general practitioner, who will send you to a gastroenterologist for further testing. Additionally, in cases of any weight issues, it is recommended to see a nutritionist who will create an appropriate meal plan and consult.