Our Team

Kaspars Ivanovs
Head Of Company

Gunita Krauze-Zepa
Marketing Manager

Antra Jaunozoliņa
Quality Manager

Otomārs Plinta
Logistics Manager
Viesturs Ķudis
Production Process Manager
Kitija Damberga
Financial Analyst
Mārtiņš Krams-Keirāns
Kaspars Ivanovs, the head of the company
What is the company's philosophy?
The philosophy is that since we have come later, we can create products that are more interesting to consumers, with higher doses of active ingredients. Products made by other manufacturers shall be used, let’s say, eight times a day, but ours - two. Our goal is to create original products that the customer would like to return to.
How did the name Lotos Pharma come about?
The name Lotos Pharma is inspired by positive memories of summer camps for LOTOS units, which I really enjoyed participating in during my studies, as well as a lotus that bloomed in the pond of the family landscape garden, which usually does not blossom in Latvian summers.
The driving force, which makes you run the business.
I just like to act, dream, challenge myself to bigger goals, learn something new, create. Of course, you have to learn to eradicate what does not work.
Recent challenges?
I like the saying - it doesn't matter where you stand, but where you go. I wish to go forward all the time, develop new products, there are more than ten in the plan. I want the company to be even better recognized, to take a higher place in the Latvian pharmaceutical industry. I want to develop the business so that more people work in the company and they are interested in our operations.
Leisure interests and hobbies?
In his leisure time Kaspars takes care of the garden and sports. His family grows various conifers in a large garden of about a hectare and including some very rare specimens. "I like to experiment. In the greenhouse I try to improve the yield every year without using any chemicals,” says K.Ivanovs. In the field of sports Kaspars' passion is basketball and hockey. He with his teammates has turned hockey into a really safe game. "We have a real team of doctors, where surgeons, cardiologists, traumatologists and other specialists play."
The biggest mistake that has taught you a lesson.
I trust people too much. It is quite popular in Latvia for someone to do something bad behind your back. However, every failure has been a lesson in creating our own style that no one can copy.